Monday, 16 January 2012

New neighbourhood

My friend Emily (previously seen skulking around Chapel Street Bazaar..) described me yesterday as "A lady with superfluous knowledge..." and I liked it so much I wrote it down. So here it is for you. 

Anyway I've been exploring my new neighbourhood since we moved house last week and so far I like it. It reminds me a bit of London which is always good in my opinion, I think I can go as far to say that Melbourne is my favourite city so far in Australia. Although this may change as I do still have a few to visit... I've got back into taking lots of photos of things that attract my eagle eyes, so here are some to show where I've been poking around recently.

I hope that if I ever lose my glasses (if I ever have to wear them that is..) someone does this for me!

Possibly the most excitingly decorated street corner in the area I'd say.

Trotter door handle. Really good and ever so slightly wrong all at the same time.

I had to stop myself from going in this shop. I feel it would be bad for the saving.

This person has Freddie Mercury in their back window. That is all I need to say.
Incidentally when I was younger our cat was named after him, although it was a girl...
When I get a car I'm going to put him in my back window too.

This combination of colours and font reminded me of a Ed Ruscha painting which is very pleasing especially when in an abandoned Thai restaurant.

I have a bit of a morbid fascination with hair. Those of you who know me will know about this. I think I should work in this shop although I'm not sure my hair fascination is quite what their customers are looking for... unless they want to cut theirs off and give it to me to make into something for their mantlepiece that is.

This looks like the beauty salon in Grease. That alone is reason enough for me to go there and have some rollers put in as far as I'm concerned.

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