Monday, 1 October 2012

New Flat

So I have got to a state of being relatively organised in my new flat now.... Well as organised as I can be considering I am waiting for the bedroom to be finished so am currently bedrooming in the study. And the study is half in the living room, and the other half is still in the parents house...
You get the gist.

So here are a few pictures of the bits that are kind of sorted. This might not be their final resting place, but for now, it'll do.


  1. What lovely photos of a lovely flat! I just found your blog and I'm peeking thru every nook and crannie..I just started one and am still getting the hang of it, so it's nice to run across some inspiration. Off to look for you on twitter. Cheers! xx

  2. after going back and really 'seeing' your flat, I've realized that I need to take some photos of our new *to us* 1960's Mid-Century Mod home and our very eclectic styling..I think you would dig it. Very similar with the complete randomness ..I love when someones personality completely shines through in their home.

  3. Yayyy for new apartments :) I love your little view :)

  4. Thanks guys! It's still a bit of a mess but I'm getting there slowly... I'd love to see some pics of your home too (I'm really rather nosey!) x
