Friday 6 December 2013

Month in Pictures

The last month has been pretty busy, mainly taken up with work, which luckily I love so it doesn't seem like too much of a chore! After expecting to finish my job in October, it was a nice surprise to be kept on but did mean my intended rest never really happened... now I'm gunning for February instead! Here's a round up of some of the things I've been up to over the last month...

Pickling beetroot to go in my birthday beetroot pot

Pumpkin carving (I know I'm a bit late with this one sorry...)

Expanding my ever growing plant windowsill... (bit out of focus sorry, my pumpkin looks nice though!)

Making friends with some langoustines and then eating them

Blackheath Fireworks

Spending FOREVER painting things brown in Warehouse 13

Lemon drizzle Birthday cake for Izzy (made by me naturally..)

Amazing sunset on site in Hyde Park

Me looking incredibly stylish in my painting/cherry picker attire. The lunging helps obv.

Saying goodbye to my incredible Aunt. 
In my Sister's words, we will always remember her infectious happiness and amazing laugh.

Testing out my new boots

Braving the crowds in Winter Wonderland

Our new Bar! The Nordic Bar in Winter Wonderland. Isn't it lovely!

Finding Father Christmas (on the ceiling of Euston Station just in case you're looking for him too)

Sorry for the randomness, I seem to have been up to rather random things recently, and I'm sure it'll probably only get worse. Not that I'm complaining it definitely keeps things interesting! Now just 6 more weeks of craziness and hopefully some proper time off. 

Hopefully involving some type of sunshine, and exciting food, and lots of both.